Monday, August 25, 2014

How to Pack Your American Girl Doll For a Trip

So say you want to bring your doll with you, but your not really sure the best way to bring her? Well here are some tips to make everything easier.

  1. Pull up long hair
  2. Pack a brush
  3. Make sure shoes fit
  4. And clothes too
  5. Don't bring small things like jewelry and hair pieces
The best thing to do is have you doll out sitting in the car with you, but if there are too many people put her in a bag that doesn't completely smush her and that nothing's is set on top of her.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

American Girl Doll Carrier Bags

American girl has carrier bags for your doll and some people just can't afford it.

They range from 30 to 60 dollars.

Well dollar tree has the great bags that come in all different colors that can carry your doll. I even painted ours with the dolls we have. :)

Now you can take your dollie in a bag you decorated yourself for way less money (and don't forget your pets)!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How to Send Your Doll to the American Girl Doll Hospital

Molly and Samantha are going to the hospital they both have a haircut and Molly has silver eye. What is silver eye? Does my doll have silver eye? Well a doll with silver eye means the mechanism that makes her eyes open and close is rusting. This makes their eyes turn silver. Just got our call from American girl Hospital they should be back in 5-7 days. We sent them off last Wednesday, it took them only 3 days to get there!

So how do you get the dolls ready for the hospital? It's really easy there are directions on the form you print of their website. Here it is:

Strip your dolls it is required and on the form
Put bubble wrap in the bottom
Put the doll or dolls in the box

Cover in bubble wrap
Fill out the form and put it in the box
Make sure to cut off the shipping label and tape it up.
Now your dolls are ready to go get shipped off. It usually takes about two weeks. They'll be nice an beautiful when they come home. They get a wellness certificate, get well card, hospital gown and socks, and an ID bracelet. You can send in your bitties too so no worries. Hope all your dollies feel better soon! Stay tuned for pics of Samantha and Molly when they get home.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Doll of the Week

RSD will be starting a new series called Doll of the Week. It will be a week of doll crafts inspired by one doll. It will start September 1st an end the week before Halloween.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

How to Build an American Girl Mini Dollhouse or a My Little Pony House

American girl dolls are lots of fun and mini dolls are great to. They are much easier to transport and you can make a simple dollhouse very quickly.

I took a Luvs diaper box and a chip bag box and cut them in half. The doorways are 7in tall because the mini dolls are 6.5in. This house works great for ponies and micro minis too. (By the way the micros fit pony furniture perfectly!) We don't have our mini dolls yet, but they have a house waiting for them. :)


Here is the house with ponies and micro mini dolls in it:


You can use paper, poster board or cabinet liner for wallpaper and stickers for decorations. You can use foam and cut papers for tile, or backing of bookshelves for wood floors. You can also make beds out of scrap fabric. Spray adhesive works great for putting on the walls and floors. Good luck with your dollhouse and have fun! 
 Bye for now!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Welcome Charlie!

Hi everyone! We have a new member of our family! Charlie Kittredge. We decided to make him Kit's brother because he looks like her. We mad them twins though instead of making him 16 like in her books. Here is the link to his description on the American Girl Wikia It is a really helpful website. :)

Charlie Kittredge

He is really cute he is a battat doll named Jack he is from an older line not Our Generation. We found him at a garage sale for 2 dollars. Just look up Jack battat boy doll to learn more about him. Anyway here is some pics:

Family photo:

Grace was really happy to see Charlie:
They all decided to go for a scooter ride after:
See you guys later!